Thursday, December 10, 2020

How to Test Out an Instagram Followers Diet - Buy an Instagram Subscription and Follow Celebrities


There was a time when I decided to test if Instagram was a fraud and a scam. I knew that it had many followers but I did not know how legit they were. I wanted to get to the bottom of this Instagram craze so I started searching for proof on how to spy on Instagram and find out who all these people were. I soon found out that I was not alone on my quest and that there are so many people following this craze that there are now Facebook pages dedicated just to finding proof on how to spy on Instagram and sell it.

After a while Instagram followers started growing. So naturally the delivery wasn't very fast let alone the reviews. So naturally the scrutiny started rising. Surprisingly not only did the fake Instagram profiles come up but even real ones from Famoid showed up. Surprisingly in no time at all they do not look so bad as the previous fake Instagram followers from Famoid, but one account has the exact same generic, unusable text that makes me want to trash them.

The question remains: Is it worth it to buy Instagram followers? On one hand I have to admit I am impressed with the company's ability to stay up to date, help social media users and stay competitive, but if they are doing this to get rich then they are doing the wrong thing. They are selling a product, a fake one at that, and charging people to use it. If I was going to make money off of Instagram then I would definitely go straight to the source.

In fact, I would make sure that source was the Instagram where I would buy followers from. That's the only way that I would get real results and to make sure you actually get results you should follow people who are getting followers and are making money off their efforts, because chances are that those are the people who will be the most successful. But since this doesn't seem to be the case, I guess I'll just have to go and start making my own fake Instagram account.

So what does it take to buy an Instagram follower for your business? Well if you are not familiar with how Instagram works, here goes. When you create an Instagram account, you can choose whether or not to have ads on your page. If you do not opt in for ads you can still sell your followers' photos to companies that sell products to users on Instagram, but since those companies pay a fee to have a page on Instagram, they are not likely to be paying you for a photo unless you opt in for an ad. So in effect the only way to make money with Instagram is to sell your followers' photos and they are the only ones that are directly affected. But how can you know which pictures will sell and which won't?

So, what I did was I went ahead and created a fake account and began following people in the hopes that a few of them were going to try out one of my products or at least give me an impression that one of them was interested in my offerings. Most of my Teste de seguidores were fake profiles that spammed people trying to sell them stuff for a fee. After about a month, there was only one follower left, it was this guy who was genuinely interested in what I had to offer. He followed all of my activities and bought a couple of products, so I decided to give him one of the best products I'd like to recommend as a way to thank him for his support. This whole story is outlined in the resource box below.


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